Call for submissions now closed.
Submissions of presentations
This conference will be limited to 60 participants.
NEW EXTENDED deadline for submissions: 17th of December 2014.
Submissions have to be sent by email to the chairs of the conference:
Ana María Munar, Tomas Pernecky and William Feighery postdisciplinarity2@gmail.com
Make sure that the theme of postdisciplinarity is clearly addressed in your presentation.
Send us a brief explanation of how your research links to the themes of this conference and an example of what you want to present so that it is possible for the members of the Scientific Committee to assess the relevance and quality of your work.
For research papers: Send an abstract between 250-300 words
For audio-visual presentations or similar: Send a summary between 150-200 words that describes the aims and what you have achieved or/and an example/trailer of the audio-visual presentation (e.g. 3-5 min visual summary).
For exhibitions and performances: Send a summary between 150-200 words that describes the aims of your research and what you have achieved and if possible a visual example (e.g. a photo).
For music, literary writings such as poetry or short stories: Send a brief text explaining the connection of your work with the themes of the conference and a sample of your work.
To encourage you, we will reward the most creative presentation!
There will be an academic “special issue” published with selected presentations of this conference. The final format and outlet of this publication is highly dependent on the genres/forms of presentations selected by the participants. The authors will be informed of the final details at a later stage. We expect the special issue to be in digital format to allow the communication of multiple genres and layers of writings with audio-visual materials.